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21 Oktober, 2012
09 Juli, 2012
17 Februari, 2012
How to Remodel Dining Room to Make it More Comfort and Larger
When your dining room starts to dull and uncomfortable, of course you want to make home improvement for your dining room. Actually, dining room is room that also important as well other rooms in your home. People sometimes are underestimating about the design of dining room because it just a room for eat. It is important to make your dining room has beautiful look and comfortable, so it will make everyone who eat in this room will more pleasure to enjoy the meals served. To remodel your dining room, you need to consider some things and find the ideas for your new dining room.
If you have a small dining room that is close off from other rooms, you can connect it to other rooms in your home to make it larger look and more spacious. Then, you can consider about the flooring whether it needs to remodel or not for your home improvement activities. If you install carpet for the dining room flooring, you will better to replace it with tile or hardwood because people usually spill foods and drinks.
Another thing that you need to consider for home improvement project in your dining room is the ceiling detail. Most of home sometimes forgets the detail for ceiling. It is important to provide an accent and lines to your dining room ceiling.
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Culdesac Makassar_Home D'sign Jl.Abdullah Dg.Sirua No. 460 Makassar 085256995046/(0411)6045956
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